Are You Sure You're in Compliance? New Hull Identification Number (HIN) Verification Process

This session will discuss hull identification number (HIN) regulations, including recent requirements for state registration and titling offices to verify HINs. We will discuss how and when to issue state manufacturer identification codes (MIC) and how to address specific types of errors and common issues as seen throughout the United States. Emerging issues such as foreign boat builders using internet sales websites to sell boats within the US, as well as other related topics will be discussed.

William Hillyer

Safety Compliance Officer/Marine Investigator • USCG Office of Auxiliary & Boating Safety

Will Hillyer joined the Coast Guard in 1995. Since then he has served in various positions in both law enforcement and aids to navigation. During his 23 years of service he has worked in a variety of locations such as New Jersey, Maryland, Louisiana, Florida and Alaska. His last 10 years were concentrated in working in south Florida conducting counter drug and alien migrant interdiction in the Florida Straits, Bahamas, and off of Cuba and Central America. His last tour landed him at Coast Guard Headquarters in the Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety. During this time, he functioned as the person handling MIC requests, HIN fraud, and boating accident investigation that relates to recreational vessel defects. Will retired from active duty in February of 2018 and stayed on with the Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety doing the same job. Will is married and has two teenage daughters. When Will is not working with the Coast Guard, most of his free time is taken up with the family horses, trailering to horse shows, playing guitar or working in the wood shop. 


New HIN Verification Process Video
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